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ich war hier: Ulrich2016b

Revision history for Ulrich2016b

Revision [2081]

Last edited on 2018-02-19 21:50:54 by MarcinKrzymuski
||**Verfasser:**|| Peter Ulrich ||
||**Verfasser:|| Peter Ulrich ||

Revision [2080]

Edited on 2018-02-19 21:50:45 by MarcinKrzymuski
===== Ulrich, Participatory governance..., 2016=====
||**Verfasser:|| Peter Ulrich ||
||**Titel:** || Participatory governance in the Europe of the (cross-border) Regions. The example of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) ||
||**Zeitschrift:**|| CIFE ||
||**Jahr:**|| 2016 (A “Europe of the Regions”: Obsolete or Obstinate?)||
||**Seiten:**|| 156-179 ||
Ulrich, Peter: Participatory governance in the Europe of the (cross-border) Regions. The example of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), in: CIFE 2016 (A “Europe of the Regions”: Obsolete or Obstinate?), S. 156-179

Revision [2064]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2018-02-18 20:10:28 by MarcinKrzymuski
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