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ich war hier: Nadalutti2013

Lit.: Nadalutti, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2013

Spis treści:
Introduction: Intergovernmentalism vis-à-vis Multi-level Governance
I. Role of Supranational Actors in Fostering Co-operation: The ‘Alliance’ between the CoE and the AEBR
II. Who is behind the ‘European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation’? Alliance of the Commission, AEBR and CoR
The CoR and AEBR Role
Role of EU Member States
National Level vis-à-vis the Regional Level
autorka: Nadalutti, Elisabetta
tytuł: Does the 'European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation' Promote Multi-level Governance within the European Union?
czasopismo: Journal of Common Market Studies
rok: 2013
tom: 51
zeszyt: 4
strony: 756-771
język: angielski
ISSN: 0021-9886
  • kopia el.
DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12014

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