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Revision history for Medeiros2018

Revision [2179]

Last edited on 2018-10-12 09:26:39 by MarcinKrzymuski
The INTERREG experience in bridging European territories. A 30 year summary (Bernard Reitel, Birte Wassenberg & Jean Peyrony)
The added value of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC). Drawing from case-studies (Martin Guillermo-Ramirez)
Twenty Years of Territorial Cooperation in Inner Scandinavia. Drawing from case-studies (Erik Hagen & Bjørn Terje Andersen)
The European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) role in EU Cohesion Policy (Eduardo Medeiros)
Border regions and cross-border cooperation in Europe. A theoretical and historical approach (Thomas Lundén)
Discussing the Persisting border obstacles in the EU (Péter Balogh & Sara Svensson)
The role and rise of European cross-border entities (Emily Lange & Iva Pires)
The rise of the Macro-Regions in Europe (Franziska Sielker & Daniel Rauhut)
The INTERREG-B impacts on development and cohesion: the case of the INTERREG III-B North-West Europe (Ruut Louwers)
The EGTC: a new institutional cooperation paradigm. Lessons Learned (Estelle Evrard & Engl Alice)
Establishing Cross-Border Planning (Frédéric Durand & Antoine Decoville)
Focusing on cross-border territorial impacts (Eduardo Medeiros)
CategoryEVTZLiteratur2018 CategoryEVTZLiteraturM CategoryEVTZLiteraturEnglisch CategoryEVTZLiteraturPolitikwissenschaften CategoryEVTZLiteraturMonografie
2 The INTERREG experience in bridging European territories. A 30 year summary Bernard Reitel, Birte Wassenberg & Jean Peyrony
3 The added value of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC). Drawing from case-studies Martin Guillermo-Ramirez
4 Twenty Years of Territorial Cooperation in Inner Scandinavia. Drawing from case-studies Erik Hagen & Bjørn Terje Andersen
5 The European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) role in EU Cohesion Policy Eduardo Medeiros
6 Border regions and cross-border cooperation in Europe. A theoretical and historical approach Thomas Lundén
7 Discussing the Persisting border obstacles in the EU Péter Balogh & Sara Svensson
8 The role and rise of European cross-border entities Emily Lange & Iva Pires
9 The rise of the Macro-Regions in Europe Franziska Sielker & Daniel Rauhut
10 The INTERREG-B impacts on development and cohesion: the case of the INTERREG III-B North-West Europe Ruut Louwers
11 The EGTC: a new institutional cooperation paradigm. Lessons Learned Estelle Evrard & Engl Alice
12 Establishing Cross-Border Planning Frédéric Durand & Antoine Decoville
13 Focusing on cross-border territorial impacts Eduardo Medeiros
CategoryEVTZLiteratur2018 CategoryEVTZLiteraturM CategoryEVTZLiteraturEnglisch CategoryEVTZLiteraturPolitikwissenschaften CategoryEVTZLiteraturZeitschriftartikel

Revision [2178]

Edited on 2018-10-12 09:24:11 by MarcinKrzymuski
=====Medeiros, European Territorial Cooperation..., 2018=====
||**Publisher:**|| Springer ||
||**Year:**|| 2018 ||
||**Access:**|| [[ Link]] ||
=====Medeiros, Territorial Impact Asessment..., 2018=====
||**DOI:**|| 10.1080/21681376.2014.999108 ||
||**Access:**|| [[]] ||

Revision [2177]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2018-10-12 09:22:35 by MarcinKrzymuski
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