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ich war hier: Ladysz2011b

Ładysz, EGTC as a tool of cross-border cooperation management..., 2011

Spis treści:
1. From "cross-border cooperation" to "territorial cooperation"
2. Features of EGTC important to cross-border cooperation management
3. Conclusions
autor: Ładysz Jerzy
tytuł: EGTC as a tool of cross-border cooperation management
w: Jedlicka P. (ed.) Economic development and management of regions
wydawnictwo: Gaudeamus
miejsce wydania: Hradec Králové
rok wydania: 2011
strony: 179-184
ISBN: 978-80-7435-101-3
  • skan

CategoryEVTZLiteratur2011 CategoryEVTZLiteraturL CategoryEVTZLiteraturEnglisch CategoryEVTZLiteraturSammelbandartikel
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