usługi prawne, ochrona danych, bezpieczne systemy informatyczne

ich war hier: EVTZZukunft

Revision history for EVTZZukunft

Revision [2185]

Last edited on 2018-11-23 11:53:05 by MarcinKrzymuski
Konkretisierung von Conclusions sh. [[ A tool for the attribution and application of specific provisions for the improvement of cross-border cooperation (Action 3 of the IT-LV-LU Trio Presidency)]] (November 2015)
Konretisierung von Conclusions sh. [[ A tool for the attribution and application of specific provisions for the improvement of cross-border cooperation (Action 3 of the IT-LV-LU Trio Presidency)]] (November 2015)

Revision [2184]

Edited on 2018-11-23 11:52:17 by MarcinKrzymuski
Sh. zunächst [[ Presidency conclusions 26 and 27 November 2015]], insb. Nr. 19-24.
Sh. zunächst [[ Presidency conclusions 26 and 27 November 2015]], insb. Nr. 19-24.

Revision [1200]

Edited on 2016-10-10 22:05:29 by MarcinKrzymuski

Revision [1199]

Edited on 2016-10-10 22:04:30 by MarcinKrzymuski
New legal tool: European Cross-Border Convention or "tunnig of EGTC"
New legal tool: European Cross-Border Convention

Revision [1180]

Edited on 2016-09-18 15:53:30 by MarcinKrzymuski
General information, report & presentations[[ MOT-Website]]
((1)) Content

((3)) General information
[[ MOT-Website]]

((3)) Meeting Vienna 5.7.2016
Report - [[ MOT]]
((1)) Inhalte

Revision [1179]

Edited on 2016-09-17 16:04:47 by MarcinKrzymuski
Sh. zunächst [[ Presidency conclusions 26 and 27 November 2015]], insb. Nr. 19-24.
Konretisierung von Conclusions sh. [[ A tool for the attribution and application of specific provisions for the improvement of cross-border cooperation (Action 3 of the IT-LV-LU Trio Presidency)]] (November 2015)
[[ A tool for the attribution and application of specific provisions for the improvement of cross-border cooperation (Action 3 of the IT-LV-LU Trio Presidency)]] (November 2015)

Revision [1175]

Edited on 2016-09-16 15:33:52 by MarcinKrzymuski
((2)) Consultation on overcoming obstacles in border regions
[[ Report 2016]]
New legal tool: European Cross-Border Convention

Revision [1174]

Edited on 2016-09-16 15:16:25 by MarcinKrzymuski
((1)) Ablauf von Arbeiten
((2)) Prüfung von Hindernissen für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit
MOT, [[ Building Legal Provisions to Overcome Obstacles to Cross-border Cooperation. Luxembourgish Presidency of the EU Council]] (September 2015)
((2)) Vorschlag Luxemburg von 2015
[[ A tool for the attribution and application of specific provisions for the improvement of cross-border cooperation (Action 3 of the IT-LV-LU Trio Presidency)]] (November 2015)
((2)) Cross-border Review
European Commission, [[ Cross-border Review]] (April 2016)
((2)) Working Group on innovative solutions to cross-border obstacles

((3)) General information
[[ MOT-Website]]

((3)) Meeting Vienna 5.7.2016
Report - [[ MOT]]
((1)) Inhalte
((1)) Prüfung von Hindernissen für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit
MOT, [[ Building Legal Provisions to Overcome Obstacles to Cross-border Cooperation. Luxembourgish Presidency of the EU Council]] (September 2015)
((1)) Vorschlag Luxemburg von 2015
[[ A tool for the attribution and application of specific provisions for the improvement of cross-border cooperation (Action 3 of the IT-LV-LU Trio Presidency)]] (November 2015)
((1)) Cross-border Review
European Commission, [[ Cross-border Review]] (April 2016)
((1)) Working Group on innovative solutions to cross-border obstacles
((2)) General information
[[ MOT-Website]]
((2)) Meeting Vienna 5.7.2016
Report - [[ MOT]]

Revision [1173]

Edited on 2016-09-16 15:07:26 by MarcinKrzymuski

No Differences

Revision [1172]

Edited on 2016-09-16 15:07:12 by MarcinKrzymuski

No Differences

Revision [1171]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2016-09-16 15:07:02 by MarcinKrzymuski
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